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Tsukimi 🐇🎑

Actualizado: 28 sept 2021

Tsukimi (月見) -moon and -view, or Autumn moon viewing, are a way of expressing gratitude for a good harvest and hopes for similar bounty in the future. Festivals, Moon viewing gateherings, tsukimi-dango and white rabbit shaped mochis are traditionally on autumn in Japan. On the old lunar calendar, the full moon appeared on the fifteenth night (jūgoya) of each month. The best night in the year for observing the celestial body is said to be the fifteenth night of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, known as jūgoya no tsukimi. (In 2021 was September 21.) Tsukimi-dango are round rice white dumplings representing the full moon. The shape is also considered to be auspicious and eating tsukimi-dango is said to bring health and happiness. One tradition is to display 15 dumplings forming a piramid to match the fifteenth night.

A white rabbit in the moon A Japanese ancien story tells that the spirit of the moon was incarnated, a long time ago, in the body of an old man, who was begging for food to the animals. Each animal was offering him something yo est, but when he got to the rabbit, he had nothing to offer him. So he askee the rest of the animals to build a bonfire and offered himself to the old man. The old man, then, showed himself as the god of the moon and rewarded the rabbit by taking him to the moon with him so that he would live there forever.


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